How to Perk Up Beef Stew

12 Tips for Making the Best-Always Stew

Stew is a tiny fleck trickier than soup. Never fearfulness; use these stew tips, and your stew will turn out better than you expected!

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Employ homemade broth, whenever possible

Water or shop-bought goop will do just fine in a pinch, but really flavorful stew recipes get-go with homemade broth. Making it yourself lets yous command the sodium level and flavor. We like using chicken broth considering it'south less rich than ambitious beef broth, letting the flavors of the ingredients shine a bit more.

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red cast iron pot cooking on antique stove vitaphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Requite stew enough of time

For most types of stew, it takes time to develop great flavor. Stew uses collagen-rich, tough cuts of meat, which need at least ii hours to intermission down. If you try to rush it and boil the stew, the muscle fibers will shrink and get tough. So requite yourself a few hours to let it practise its thing.

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Closeup side view of unrecognizable woman chossing some fresh meat at local supermarket. The meat is cut into chops and packed into one pound packages. She has reached for a package of beef sirloin steaks. gilaxia/Getty Images

Cull the right cut of meat

The best beef stews are made with the right cut of meat, like chuck roast, brisket or circular. Leaner cuts (which are good for the grill) lack the connective tissue that turns into gelatin as information technology cooks. That keeps the meat juicy and tender while as well thicken and enriching the stew.

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Frying beef bottom round roast cubes in cast iron skillet , meat flipped once Arijuhani/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Sear the meat beginning (probably in batches)

The beginning step to a flavorful stew is browning the meat. Searing it over high heat gives the meat a deeper, richer flavor thanks to the Maillard reaction, a chemic reaction that browns and caramelizes the exterior of the meat. Nigh pots don't have plenty meat to brown all the meat at one time, and then practise information technology in batches to prevent the meat from simmering in its own juices.

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Spice rack Photo: Shutterstock/B Calkins
Photograph: Shutterstock/B Calkins

Decide where you want to go with spices

Spices control the direction of the stew's season profile, but you'll want to choose nearly the beginning of the cooking process. Adding dried spices along with searing meat or onions releases their essential oils. Expect to fennel seeds and marjoram for Italian flavors, cumin and coriander for Mexican, ginger and sesame oil for an Asian spin, cinnamon and cardamom for Moroccan or turmeric and mustard seed for Indian. Our Deputy Editor's Best Beef Stew recipe uses smoked paprika and herbes de Provence for unforgettable flavor.

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motion blur of deglaze, floating liquid into gravy in an hot iron pan on range, fried chicken pieces in backround on wooden cutting board picture_garden/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Don't forget to deglaze

This is an all-important step in creating the all-time stew flavor. Searing the meat and sweating the vegetables creates browned $.25 on the pan. Releasing them with a splash of wine, beer, apple tree juice or plain water creates the basis for a fantastically flavorful stew.

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Fried onion in stock pot Bartosz Luczak/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Add extra season with the right ingredients

Onions, carrots and celery (mirepoix vegetables) are archetype for a reason, but don't exist afraid to devious and get creative. Try using roasted garlic instead of regular garlic, or caramelize your onions before moving on to the adjacent step. You tin can besides add an incredible depth of flavor by adding stale mushrooms to the mix.

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High angle, over the shoulder view of a woman stirring the boiling bouillon, using a wooden spoon. The woman cooking vegetable soup in a stock pot on a gas stove. A healthy meal, lifestyle and culinary concepts. RuslanDashinsky/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Choose how to thicken the stew

Adding flour to stew is the nearly classic way to create its characteristic thick texture. You'll need one to 2 tablespoons of flour for every loving cup liquid, depending on how thick you like it. For a gluten-free arroyo, you lot can add cornstarch or arrowroot at the end (near one tablespoon for every loving cup of liquid).

You lot can as well look to these ways to thicken a sauce at the finish, similar using tomato paste or pureed starchy vegetables.

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Woman Chopping food ingredients Anchiy/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Add the vegetables at the right time

We know the beef volition take a few hours to break down and get tender, but not all vegetables require hours of cooking time. Add hearty root vegetables similar parsnips, carrots, winter squash or potatoes in the outset, but relieve tender vegetables for the cease. Otherwise, they'll overcook and become watery. You can even saute vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini or mushrooms separately and stir them in just earlier you serve.

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Saucepan with boiling clear soup on the plate DedMorozz/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Decide whether you want the lid on or off

We by and large like cooking stews with the lid on. It traps the liquid inside, promotes even heat distribution, helps the flavors meld together and keeps the meat juicy. Simply, if your stew is looking too watery, feel free to popular the hat off for the last hour or so. That lets the liquid evaporate, but information technology volition also concentrate the stew's flavour.

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Basil, sage, dill, and thyme herbs on wooden board preparing for winter drying merc67/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Finish with fresh herbs

What tin can y'all exercise to make stew more flavorful? Finish information technology with fresh herbs, of course! Except for thyme, herbs lose their season as they simmer. So add dried spices at the beginning of the cooking fourth dimension and fresh spices (like parsley, dill, tarragon or rosemary) at the cease to add a punch of fresh flavor.

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the best beef stew Sense of taste of Home

Gustatory modality information technology before you serve it

When the stew is finished, give information technology a gustatory modality. If information technology tastes off-balance, add some finishing flavors to bring it to the next level. Try adding soy sauce or Worcestershire for actress savory (or umami) season, a touch of dearest or brown saccharide for sweetness, lemon zest or vinegar for brightness or chili powder or smoked paprika for spice and depth.


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